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RELEASE DATES: Pokemon Card GB: April 10, 2000, Pokemon Stadium: Out Now!, Pokemon Gold/Silver: September 16, 2000, Hey you Pikachu: TBA, Revelation Lugia: July 21, 2000, Pokemon Attack: TBA, Pokemon The First Movie DVD/VHS: Out Now!
Red/Blue Gameshark Codes
Have a cheat not listed here? The send it to me!
1 Infinite HP (In Battle) 01FF16D0
2 No Random Battles 01033CD1
3 Infinite Money 019947D3
These Codes affect the Pokemon in the first slot (in battle)
4 Infinite PP (1st Position) 01282DD0
5 Infinite PP (2nd Position) 01282ED0
6 Infinite PP (3rd Position) 01282FD0
7 Infinite PP (4th Position) 012830D0
8 Skill Modifier (1st Position) 01??1CD0
9 Skill Modifier (2nd Position) 01??1DD0
10 Skill Modifier (3rd Position) 01??1ED0
11 Skill Modifier (4th Position) 01??1FD0
These affect the 1st Pokèmon (out of battle)
12 Infinite PP (1st Position) 01FF88D1
13 Infinite PP (2nd Position) 01FF89D1
14 Infinite PP (3rd Position) 01FF8AD1
15 Infinite PP (4th Position) 01FF8BD1
16 Skill Modifier (1st Position) 01??73D1
17 Skill Modifier (2nd Position) 01??74D1
18 Skill Modifier (3rd Position) 01??75D1
19 Skill Modifier (4th Position) 01??76D1
20 Level Modifier 01??8CD1
21 Max HP Modifier (Smaller) 01??8ED1
22 Max HP Modifier (Larger) 01??8DD1
23 Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 01??90D1
24 Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 01??8FD1
25 Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 01??92D1
26 Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 01??91D1
27 Max Speed Modifier (Smaller) 01??94D1
28 Max Speed Modifier (Larger) 01??93D1
29 Max Special Modifier (Smaller) 01??96D1
30 Max Special Modifier (Larger) 01??95D1
  Item Codes
31 Total Item Number Modifier (Click Here) 01??1DD3
32 Item Modifier 1st Position 01??1ED3
33 Infinite Quantity 1st Position 01631FD3
34 Item Modifier 2nd Position 01??20D3
35 Infinite Quantity 2nd Position 016321D3
36 Item Modifier 3rd Position 01??22D3
37 Infinite Quantity 3rd Position 016323D3
38 Item Modifier 4th Position 01??24D3
39 Infinite Quantity 4th Position 016325D3
40 Item Modifier 5th Position 01??26D3
41 Infinite Quantity 5th Position 016327D3
42 Item Modifier 6th Position 01??28D3
43 Infinite Quantity 6th Position 016329D3
44 Item Modifier 7th Position 01??2AD3
45 Infinite Quantity 7th Position 01632BD3
46 Item Modifier 8th Position 01??2CD3
47 Infinite Quantity 8th Position 01632DD3
48 Item Modifier 9th Position 01??2ED3
49 Infinite Quantity 9th Position 01632FD3
50 Item Modifier 10th Position 01??30D3
51 Infinite Quantity 10th Position 016331D3
  Place the numbers/letters of the item you want in the ??
  00 - ?????
01 - Master Ball
02 - Ultra Ball
03 - Great Ball
04 - Pokè Ball
05 - Town Map
06 - VBicycle
07 - Surf Without Pokemon
08 - Safari Ball
09 - Pokè-Dex
0A - Moon Stone
0B - Antidote
0C - Burn Heal
0D - Ice Heal
0E - Awakening
0F - Parlyz Heal
10 - Full Restore
11 - Max Potion
12 - Hyper Potion
13 - Super Potion
14 - Potion
15 - Boulder Badge
16 - Cacade Badge
17 - Thunder Badge
18 - Rainbow Badge
19 - Soul Badge
1A - Marsh Badge
1B - Volcano Badge
1C - Earth Badge
1D - Escape Rope
1E - Repel
1F - Old Amber
20 - Fire Stone
21 - Thunder Stone
22 - Water Stone
23 - HP Up
24 - Protein
25 - Iron
26 - Carbos
27 - Calcium
28 - Rare Candy
29 - Dome Fossil
2A - Helix Fossil
2B - Secret Key
2C - ?????
2D - Bike Voucher
2E - X Accuracy
2F - Leaf Stone
30 - Card Key
31 - Nugget
32 - PP Up
33 - Pokè Doll
34 - Full Heal
35 - Revive
36 - Max Revive
37 - Grand Special
38 - Super Repel
39 - Max Repel
3A - Dire Hit
3B - Coin
3C - Fresh Water
3D - Soda Pop
3E - Lemonade
3F - S.S. Ticket
40 - Gold Teeth
41 - X Attack
42 - X Defend
43 - X Speed
44 - X Special
45 - Coin Case
46 - Oak's Parcel
47 - Item Finder
48 - Silph Scope
49 - Pokè Flute
4A - Lift Key
4B - Exp. All
4C - Old Rod
4D - Good Rod
4E - Super Rod
4F - PP Up
50 - Ether
51 - Max Ether
52 - Elixer
53 - Max Elixer
  Place the numbers in the ?? of the skill you want.
  00 - Nothing
01 - Pound
02 - Karate Chop
03 - Double Slap
04 - Comet Punch
05 - Mega Punch
06 - Pay Day
07 - Fire Punch
08 - Ice Punch
09 - Thunder Punch
0A - Scratch
0B - Vice Grip
0C - Guillotine
0D - Razor Wind
0E - Swords Dance
0F - Cut
10 - Gust
11 - Wing Attack
12 - Whirl Wind
13 - Fly
14 - Bird
15 - Slam
16 - Vine Whip
17 - Stomp
18 - Double Kick
19 - Mega Kick
1A - Jump Kick
1B - Rolling Kick
1C - Sand Attack
1D - Head Butt
1E - Horn Attack
1F - Fury Attack
20 - Horn Drill
21 - Tackle
22 - Body Slam
23 - Wrap
24 - Take Down
25 - Thrash
26 - Double Edge
27 - Tail Whip
28 - Poison Sting
29 - Twin Edle
2A - Pin Missile
2B - Leer
2C - Bite
2D - Growl
2E - Roar
2F - Sing
30 - Supersonic
31 - Sonicboom
33 - Acid
34 - Ember
35 - Flamethrower
36 - Mist
37 - Water Gun
38 - Hydro Pump
39 - Surf
3A - Ice Beam
3B - Blizzard
3C - Psybeam
3D - Bubblebeam
3E - Aurora Beam
3F - Hyper Beam
40 - Peck
41 - Drill Peck
42 - Submission
43 - Low Kick
44 - Counter
45 - Seismic Toss
46 - Strength
47 - Absorb
48 - Mega Drain
49 - Leech Seed
4A - Growth
4B - Razor Leaf
4C - Solar Beam
4D - Poisonpowder
4E - Stun Spore
4F - Sleep Powder
50 - Petal Dance
51 - String Shot
52 - Dragon Rage
53 - Fire Spin
54 - Thundershock
55 - Thunderbolt
56 - Thunder Wave
57 - Thunder
58 - Rock Throw
59 - Earthquake
5A - Fissure
5B - Dig
5C - Toxic
5D - Confusion
5E - Psychic
5F - Hypnosis
60 - Meditate
61 - Agility
62 - Quick Attack
63 - Rage
64 - Teleport
65 - Night Shade
66 - Mimic
67 - Screech
68 - Double Team
69 - Recover
6A - Harden
6B - Minimize
6C - Smoke Screen
6D - Confuse Ray
6E - Withdraw
6F - Defense Curl
70 - Barrier
71 - Light Screen
72 - Haze
73 - Reflect
74 - Focus Energy
75 - Hide
76 - Metronome
77 - Mirror Move
78 - Selfdestruct
79 - Egg Bomb
7A - Lick
7B - Smog
7C - Sludge
7D - Bone Club
7E - Fire Blast
7F - Waterfall
80 - Clamp
81 - Swift
82 - Skull Bash
83 - Spike Cannon
84 - Constrict
85 - Amnesia
86 - Kinesis
87 - Softboiled
88 - Hi Jump Kick
89 - Glare
8A - Dream Eater
8B - Poison Gas
8C - Barrage
8D - Leech Life
8E - Lovely Kiss
8F - Sky Attack
90 - Transform
91 - Bubble
92 - Dizzy Punch
93 - Spore
94 - Flash
95 - Psywave
96 - Splash
97 - Acid Armor
98 - Crabhammer
99 - Exposion
9A - Fury Swipes
9B - Bonemerang
9C - Rest
9D - Rock Slide
9E - Hyper Fang
9F - Sharpen
A0 - Conversion
A1 - Tri Attack
A2 - Super Fang
A3 - Slash
A4 - Substitute
A5 - Struggle
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