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RELEASE DATES: Pokemon Gold/Silver; October 2000, Hey you Pikachu; TBA, Pokemon the Movie: 2000; July 21, Pokemon Puzzle League(N64, GB); TBA
News and Updates

July 24th          Monday          Updated by: Dragonite

[ This came from BulbaGarden.com ]
Well, it seems that Nintendo thinks Pokemon websites are threats to their business development. We are the reason their sales have died. We, the Pokemon fan sites. ::ends sarcastic talk::. The point of this is that Jaxel of UPNetwork.com has been ordered to take down their video clips. That was probably one of the main features of their website. You can probably be seeing a more strict and stupid version of NOA patroling Pokemon websites. Just because sales are drastically decreasing, they have to find somebody to pick on. I guess its the Pokemon Fansites. You can see the full story of Jaxel's ordeal, here. What do you think about this? Do you feel its right? Speak out on our forums.

Hmm, so Nintendo is starting to blaim Pokemon websites for the decrease in sales, but I dont think thats true. Its because WB isnt showing any new episodes, Hasbro isnt making very many new toys, and Nintendo hasnt made any new games yet! But I suspect that when GS and Neo come out, sales will be boosted up a ton, and Pokemon will be super popular again. Nintendo must think that showing their product is bad for sales! ^.^
July 20th          Thursday          Updated by: Dragonite

Alright! Pokemonthe Movie 2000 comes out tomorrow! If you havent already, you should buy your tickets today. Dont worry, you still get an Ancient Mew card. For people that have the card right now, I'll tell you the stats of the card(It'll come in handy...):

Name of Attack: Psyche
Hit Points: 30
Attack Damage: 40
Retreat Cost: 2
July 17th          Monday          Updated by: Dragonite

Sorry about no updates for quite a long time, but I am in the process of moving to a new server!! So until then, I wont be able to update with new news, so check our affiliates to find some new news! But I do have something today, its a link to IGNPocket, they show all the new Burger King Pokemon toys, so click here!
July 8th          Saturday          Updated by: Dragonite

Yet again KidsWB doesnt show a new Episode, I think they are waiting until after July 21st, but that is really stupid because they are going to be beaten by Fox's Digimon! Oh well, they at least showed a New CardCaptors! Oh, and to anybody who reads Harry Potter, the New Book "The Goblet of Fire" came out today!

July 5th          Thursday          Updated by: Dragonite

Oops, yesterday I mentioned that I had Music up, but I had forgot to upload it! Its now been uploaded and its link is above to Logo. BTW, a New Affiliate, Pokemon Exxtreme!

July 4th          Tuesday          Updated by: Dragonite

Happy 4th of July!!! Anyway, for today's updates I finally got Music up, with one song "Pokemon World" on it, thanks to our affiliate Pokemon Empire DX! Also, as soon as I find a good site to host me, I will have a lot of sections done(mainly Games, and CardCaptors sections), so I am still searching for a site to host me. And either tomorrow or friday, I'll have some new affiliates. Nobody wants to Join the network, though.

June 29          Thursday          Updated by: Dragonite

Okay, I'm back! I'll be working on a new Pokemon The Movie: 2000 layout, (some of it is up right now), I'll be putting a Pokemon the movie 2000 sections, and a lot more! I will hope to have all of that up by July 1. I have decided to make a CardCaptors section, so look for that sometime in July. BTW, a new affiliate! PokeSplash

June 12          Monday          Updated by: Dragonite

It appears I will not be able to update my site untill the 28th, sorry, but when I can I'll have an almost completely new layout!! I already added a lot of new stuff to change the layout, like the pic at the bottom(which the links are still being fixed), the Preload, and couple other things, but that won't be all. Be sure to keep checking back because I may be able to update. Oh, and I can still reply to E-mails.

June 5          Monday          Updated by: Dragonite

This summer, stay cool by munching on scrumptious Popsicle Pokémon. Keep a close eye on your Lickitungs, though, because they'll probably be slobbering with glee once they catch a whiff of these Pokémon-shaped ice pops. Popsicle Pokémon are available in either strawberry or lemon flavors, and they're covered with colorful candies. Different Pokémon will pop up throughout the summer, so get ready to Eat 'Em All!

Yep, Pokemon Popsicle's. What are they going to make next? Anyway, I have organized my affiliates by rank now. Dragonite is the highest(usually is a Top Affiliate) and Dratini is the lowest. And two new affiliates, Kiriehana's Greenhouse and Pokemon Extreme. And new sites are marked with a Blue Pokeball. Oh, and sometime next week I will go through all my affiliates and take out any that arent linking to me or not giving any hits.

June 2          Friday          Updated by: Dragonite
Sorry about not many updates last month, but I really need to find a good site to host me! I can't add many new sections because I'm almost out of space! So I can't make any(maybe 1 or 2) new sections until I find I Good site to host me. I found out that Nintendo has decided they are going to re-number every Pokemon, like Pikachu is now #22 and Totodile is #7, Nintendo says it's to fit all the new evolutions and pre-evolutions. The only one that will remain the same number is Serebii. Oh yeah, check out the new logo above.

May 28          Sunday          Updated by: Dragonite

We got a new affiliate! Dratini's Hidden Lake! This is one great site, be sure to go the after you finish here, or you could go to our other new affiliate, Pokemon Showdown! Check them out on the side bar to the right. I have found out even more New Pokemon names, so now I am working on a new section under Gold / Silver to list all the new names.

Also, The Ancient Mew Card is going to be one of the four cards to be given at Pokemon The Movie: 2000! I just saw this at Pojo, and I guess Ancient Mew will be one of the cards along with the Three Legendary Birds.

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The Caterpie Forest
The Caterpie Forest

Pokemon Empire DX
Pokemon Empire DX

Dratini's Hidden Lake
Dratini's Hidden Lake

Pokemon University

Pokemon Exxtreme


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Caterpie Forest
Dratini's Hidden Lake
Pokemon Empire DX
Pokemon University

Dragonair Rank

Kiriehana's Greenhouse
Pokemon Extreme
Pokemon Exxtreme
Pokemon Showdown

Pokemon Beyond
Dratini Rank

Bryan's PokeLand
Jigglypuff's PokePage
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